Ancient Futures Status update

The photo collage above includes pictures from Chicago Comic & Entertainment Expo (C2E2) where Steven (writer) and I (artist) introduced readers to our first printed volume of Ancient Futures and we’re happy to report it was warmly received, including enthusiastic response to the visuals as well as the catchy tagline for the book “Afropunk Assassins at the end of SpaceTime!” Other creative individuals (photographers, sculptors, actors, tarot readers, cosplayers) are getting involved in the project and we’re very excited to witness its development in ways that we couldn’t have imagined when Ancient Futures started about 2 and half years ago.

Absent-mindedly, I don’t think I’ve shown photos of the first printed Volume 1 on this blog, so here are some long overdue images to give you an idea of what the 40 page printed book looks like. For those who missed Volume 1, there is a reward tier that offers both this issue and Vol. 2. and the print edition of the first issue is running low, so get it while you can.

There are still 2 rewards for original art available in the Sketch Cover tier. You can expect those one-of-a-kind originals to look something like this:

Our status for the Kickstarter is currently under water with 8 days remaining. Not sure if we’ll be able to make this, so please consider spreading the word to anyone you can think of who might be interested in this project. The cost of a 40-page graphic novel is rather high these days and since we’re self-publishing this series to retain the rights we need to find people who believe in and are willing to invest in the project to make the printed book a reality. Thank you for your time and consideration.

PODCAST Appearance!

Steven and I were honored to be on the comic and pop culture podcast Blue Tiger Revenge last night. It was a fun conversation that reveals how Steven and I started working together on Ancient Futures and includes some of Steven’s recitation of the lines from the book. Very entertaining stuff, if I do say so myself. Host Tadd Galusha has been working in comics about as long as I have and we know each other from years back, so he had very specific and relevant questions about the drawing process and working in comics. Check it out here: 

The Ancient Futures Kickstarter is counting down its final hours as I type this, so please hop aboard ASAP if you’d like to support it. We are so grateful to our backers and look forward to fulfilling the rewards in the coming months.

There are still 2 Original Art rewards available to purchase, Ancient Futures artworks drawn by Adam Benet Shaw and Dustin Weaver. This is a unique opportunity and I’m selfishly hoping that someone purchases these so that I can see their artistic interpretations of the characters from the book.

Repost from Pelgrane Press Announcements

The following is a repost from Pelgrane Press Announcements as described by my art director Rob Heinsoo:

A funny thing happened on the way to the Crown of Axis arena. Wade’s request for a cover image featuring two powerful female gladiators had been executed in style by Aaron McConnell:13Age_CrownofAxis_MockUP_Aoriginal sketch

For a change, Aaron decided to hand-paint the piece, old school instead of digital. That turned out to create a delivery problem. At first, the paints wouldn’t dry. Well, they dried a bit, but the yellow was taking a loooooong time. Then Aaron’s scanner tech couldn’t pick up the colors he’d painted with properly. Neither could Aaron’s photos.

EaselView-scaleddrying on the easel

So Aaron went over to Lee Moyer’s house, since they were working together on a different project and Lee has a Serious Scanner. And if you know Lee, you know Lee’s super-power—he had suggestions. They got the piece scanned and then worked together on the paints, turning a high-noon situation into an evening showdown. Aaron held onto the piece for another couple weeks, but he has overcome separation anxiety and is calling it done!

13Age_CrownofAxis_NightPainted_A-scaledCrown of Axis cover by Aaron McConnell, with paints assist by Lee Moyer

13 to 1

Here’s the conclusion of the 13th Age countdown in one swift post.

13…Attack on Boltstrike Pillar: the color version and the original charcoal drawing.


12…Unpublished early concept drawing of Sorcerers of The Three (see the 13th Age GM Screen for an updated version)


11…Pencil drawing of 2 halflings sharing a pipe in Twisp (toned final art on page 280 of the core book)


10…The drawing for the cover of the core book on toned watercolor paper and a detail from the concept sketch.


9…Detail of the original charcoal art for the Gnome class in the core book (page 68)


8…An unwelcome guest in the king’s court. The painted version by Lee Moyer (found in 13 True Ways) and the original drawing.


7…Adventurers went to heaven…after some faerie trouble. (Illustration on page 121 of 13 True Ways)


6…Original drawing on toned paper (color version in 13 True Ways)


5…Dance of the Dead. A drawing from 13 True Ways with some recent color alterations.


4…Revised color on an illustration in the core book (page 40) and detail of the original drawing on toned paper.


3…Kobold guardians of Drakkenhall.  Original acrylic painting for the illustration on page 127 of 13 True Ways.


2…Darkness Horses from the forthcoming 13th Age in Glorantha.


1…Unused concept drawing for the Battle Captain  seen on page 29 of 13 True Ways.



Day 17

Day 17 of 13th Age at The Island of Omen original charcoal drawing and the final art found on page 276 of the 13th Age Core Book (with some unusual yellow streaking in the photo…I can’t explain it other than to say strange things happen when you’re dealing with the Island of Omen).


Counting down from 20…19…

13th Age products are going on sale for 20 days at, and for the occasion I’m posting 20 pieces daily that were drawn mainly for the core book or 13 True Ways.  Most will include the original pencil or charcoal art, but I plan to sneak in some other unpublished drawings along the way.  The sale started yesterday, so here’s No. 20 (a victorious half-orc gladiator) and No. 19 (a levitating, meditating monk), both from the core book.

Pallet Magazine

The latest issue of Pallet, a journal for people who like to think and drink, is available now.  I’m very impressed with the quality of this magazine, and it features articles about everything from science to art to beer..well, mostly beer!  And no surprise that’s where I come in.  I was invited to contribute a beer label for this issue’s themed feature “Shakesbeer.”  To quote the magazine:

He’s the greatest writer in the English language, but one honor yet to be bestowed upon William Shakespeare was for us to invite four breweries and artists from around the world to create an original recipe and label artwork inspired by one of his plays.

I was paired with Ommegang Brewery, but I’ll let the label tell you the rest…Cheers!
