The Mentor

Introducing Michael the Mentor, another character in the S.A. Williams’ Ronin Revolver project, currently on Kickstarter.  Learn more about the character and the story at Ronin Revolver Kickstarter.

And more bonus material tracing the development of the character illustration:  The first sketches of Michael and a thumbnail color sketch.

Ronin Revolver on Kickstarter

I’ve been working with writer S.A. Williams  designing characters for his comic book series Ronin Revolver.  Williams is currently raising funds on Kickstarter to hire an illustrator(s) to draw the stories.  I invite you to check out the site and consider making a donation to the cause.  Illustrators are often expected to draw pitches for low rates (and sometimes no rates!) and Kickstarter combats that less professional business practice by seeking an audience willing to invest in a project and provide the resources for artists to create their work.  One immediate incentive for investing in Ronin Revolver is the acquisition of a print of one of my character drawings starting at the $7 pledge and 2 prints starting at the $20 pledge price.  Here’s the character design for Ephram Tanner, the main character of Ronin Revolver. Learn more about the character and the story at Ronin Revolver Kickstarter.

*Bonus material*: Here are my early sketches of Ephram and a preliminary thumbnail (4×6″) for the finished color piece above.